You want for all your hard work to FINALLY BE NOTICED with the pay and promotion you deserve!  

  • You’ve been in the corporate world long enough to become talented in your function but your title, pay and level of influence don’t match your high talent.


  • You want to achieve more but you feel stuck and stalled. Others seem to be coming out of nowhere and getting the prime assignments.


  • You´ve have been told you are either ‘too much’ and need to get a tone things down. OR, you’re not visible enough because you question yourself, don’t speak up for yourself, or you haven’t figured out how to navigate the masculine structures at work to get the title, pay and promotion you want.


I hear it all the time from women who’ve clocked a few years in corporate....

I want a promotion but it seems like all the really good positions get decided on before the job is even posted by HR.  What am I missing or doing wrong?
How do I communicate without getting emotional when the stakes are high?
I really want _______ (insert ‘big ask’ here) but am afraid to actually ask for it.  What do I do?

With everything going on in the world around women in leadership, IT'S TIME FOR MORE WOMEN TO BE IN LEADERSHIP!  

And you know that you have earned it! That you have been educated and are hardworking. And your organization actually needs you to be playing at a higher level.  

But you can’t play at a higher level if you don’t get that promotion.

Hi, my name is Cassandra Shepard and I am passionate about seeing more women in leadership positions so we can change (read: IMPROVE) the way work is done in this world!

Trouble is, after 25+ successful years in corporate and being a Chief of Staff and Senior Vice President in a global organization, I see younger women in corporate struggle unnecessarily.  


  • Make the ask.

  • Find your voice as a strong but still approachable emerging leader.

  • Gain visibility so your name is on the lips of upper management months before a higher level position is even posted.

  • Make yourself indispensable without working crazy long hours while others get the glory for your hard work.

  • Deal with office politics, your boss and difficult colleagues without losing your cool or becoming emotional.


Fortunately, you don’t have to figure this stuff out on your own.

Your guidance and leadership have been a gift to me!  The confidence I gained from your coaching and counsel throughout the years has helped me as I moved through my early career as an entry-level manager to vice president.
— Jill Ruiter, Vice President, Development & Events




I’ve designed this program specifically for the emerging corporate woman who desires to:

  • Receive elite personal attention and expert guidance from a powerful feminine C-suite mentor who has succeed in the corporate world without losing her feminine heart.

  • Gain the foundational confidence and polish you need to create greater success in the corporate environment.

  • Learn how to leverage your expertise while being the real you at work.

  • Discover how to say the tough stuff, and do so without losing your confidence or getting emotional.

  • Master the masculine structures by deepening, not hiding! your feminine leadership power.

  • Avoid the common mistakes women in corporate make that lead to conflict and misunderstandings.

  • Set yourself up for the next level of success.

Some programs give you snippets of what you need to succeed in corporate.  Others overload and overwhelm you with HR-speak that gets you nowhere.  

In this program that is tailored specifically to you, I’m giving you everything you need, and nothing that you don’t, so you can pull it together and build your career and life the way you desire.


Since the coaching with Cassandra, I have been offered a promotion!
— Carrie Smith, Director


  • 12 weekly 1-hour coaching sessions.

  • Welcome Packet & Orientation Materials to jumpstart your success.  

  • Spring Clean Your Life — A classic technique I learned from my very first coach and dear mentor to help you start clearing up your world on a holistic basis before we dive in.

  • Access to my ‘black book’ of resources and insider secrets to help your polish your leadership.  

  • Email support via laser coaching for the duration of your program.



It’s time to be the empowered leader who invests in herself

to have the professional life, personal fulfillment

and impact you truly desire.


Pay In Full Investment:  $4,000